Specialist Services
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Services Overview
Ask Your Pharmacist

Our Drug Information Pharmacists are available to answer your questions Monday through Friday from 9 am to 6 pm, Saturday 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. We are closed Sundays and holidays. We strive to have every email answered by the next business day; however, submission of a question requiring significant research during a weekend/holiday may extend the length of time to respond.

We are offering immunizations given by our specially trained pharmacists
We do have
Flu shots *Fluzone quadrivalent, Fluzone High dose 65+, Flumist Nasal
Pneumonia Vaccine: Prevnar and Pneumovax
Shingle's Vaccine: Zostavax
Whooping cough(Pertussis) : Adacel
Diabetes Care
LeosRx is the place to be for products, advice, referrals and guidance from our specially trained pharmacists
We have a special Dr. Comfort Shoe, which is covered by medicareWe have a whole OTC section for Diabetes
Also we have FREE Glucometer
Drug Information
Learn about your medication, such as how to take it, the side effects and drug interactions